Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, I’ve been forced to rethink my studio practice because, like many artists, my studio resources are inaccessible. I’ve taken this time of isolation to observe the world around me more closely, paying particular attention to shifts in perspective brought about by light and shadow. I’ve been exploring ways to document my observations through experimental video and have been astounded by the possibilities of this new way of creating and sharing work. My practice has shifted to exploring quantum physics and metaphysics through the observation of technological and natural phenomena. Video and projection have moved to a central way of making, and as a way of engaging and connecting with the physical world around me as well as people outside of my immediate space. I’m currently investigating ways to utilize these videos to create large-scale installations as well as immersive and interactive sculptures. This particular sculpture takes a place of familiarity in nature and distorts it on a crafted landscape, suggesting the distortion our perspectives create in our personal realities.