Metalsmithing and Jewelry Minor
Cyelowyn is an artist that grew up considering the critical split between the tangible everyday world and the intangible idea of the fantastical. He spent his childhood years creating props and toys for games he played with his sister which lead to a love of creating jewelry and intriguing trinkets. His time attending CCS allowed him to realize that the desire to craft three-dimensional objects was more than just a dream and wish, and he is looking forward to a lifetime that will be filled with the magic of making.
Phone: 814-807-5995
Insta: @harmonicaugmentation
I have always loved small and intriguing objects, in fact, I collected so many that growing up my room resembled a curated cabinet of curiosities. As an avid consumer of sci-fi and fantasy books, I liked to think they had magical properties. My sister and I played endless games with them, and often I had to modify or create something to make just the right prop for our play. Nothing set my imagination alight like it, whether it was pewter figurines, interesting rocks, small bones or any number of other things that I deemed worth keeping. This naturally grew into an intimate affection for all manner of wearable container such as lockets or small pouches, to keep track of my menagerie of trinkets. My metal work is currently driven by my desire to create wearable curios and fascinating jewelry that invites the wearer to believe that there just might be a little magic in the world after all.