Bobby Leo Veresan was raised by Walnut Lake in West Bloomfield, MI. He grew up in a home that his father designed and built in a very communal neighborhood, and was raised with the understanding of architects being problem solvers as well as composers. Veresan was heavily influenced by the discipline and processes involved in maintaining the house he lived in. Veresan’s first experience with ceramics involved digging up clay while playing on the beach as a child while also searching for crawfish and fishing. Being involved in Boy Scouts and achieving Eagle Scout, was impactful in how Veresan structures his life and now his art practice. Veresan first started thinking about clay as a fine art medium during his first semester at Oakland Community College. There he also developed a new focus as a kinesthetic learner. Veresan was drawn to clay as a material that retained memories. His relationship grew as he invested more time with the material. The repetition of physical processes became a way to accelerate his learning ability. Bobby decided to continue studying ceramics at the College for Creative Studies where he is currently a student. Veresan is interested in bringing functional and architectural methodologies to sculpture. He is also interested in form and design that operate sublimely. Veresan uses handbuilding, slipcasting, pressmolding, extruding, wheel throwing, experimental glazing, and firing to extend ideas about structure.
Instagram- @Bobby_LV
I am interested in the architecture that surrounds us as sculpture, clay as color, and glaze as form. I'm most fascinated with works that are on the verge of destruction. The idea of any material that can be pushed to the point of collapse and failure. The sculptures can become dense with ideas that accelerate my development beyond the redirection of energy. Eyes open, no fear.